Sanctimonious Elephants, Indeed...

An Opinion by John Watson

   The "Sanctimonious Elephant of the Oval Office" is knee-deep in hypocrisy and two-faced attitude.

   And that's just his good side.

   There is, tucked away in a morbid corner of the brain of a racist, a place where pure evil dwells.  Their perception is that people of color should leave the world of white people and "go back where they came from."  And if they came from the world of the whites, they should just "go somewhere else."  

   The nation and the world is fully aware of the wrath that the President of the United States and his partisan disciples have spewed upon the Earth.  We are also fully aware that we have viewed, listened, and read enough about it to fill us up to our chins.  But it appears we have few options other than bouncing him out of office in the 2020 election.  A least his base seems to be in no mood to give him up anytime sooner.

   It appears we will also need to get rid of a whole herd of congressional elephants who are "gumming up the works" of our democracy with their stubborn ignorance and inability to do their jobs.   And, worse, they are doing it with not a care about the rest of us nor a concern about the outcome.  They wear those damn rose-colored glasses that help them see "Ol' Number 45" as a mighty fine fellow while the rest of us see him as a pathological liar, and an indecent, unfit, uneducated, and grossly flawed human being.  

   Whether they don't see all of those frightening attributes or just won't admit they do see them is a puzzling question.  But, either way, it sadly seems to be working just fine for their corrupt agenda.  

   We are living in  uncharted times, my friends, and we are beginning to see damage to American values and reputation abroad like never before.  We find our values not only being questioned by our allies around the world, but our image, as well.  And, worse yet, some things this president has damaged my be unrepairable!

   We must understand that there are times when you simply cannot 'un-ring the bell' ... and we now are facing those times.

   This President and his Party's Membership in the U.S. House and Senate have taken all of us out into deep water...and they are all in over their heads at knowing, or seemingly caring,  how to save us!

   And it will soon be too late to save even themselves.




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