Saturday, June 6, 2020

From the Dark Side...

    It began with a lie and it will end with a whimper.

   The new press secretary, at the behest of his master's voice,  announced in the first Press Briefing that the crowd at the president's inauguration was the largest ever.  Proof of just how small it really was proved to be true by photos of the gathering, and how large the crowd sizes of  previous inaugurations were.  Later photos by someone in the administration were also proven to be fake.

   And so it began...

   It was the beginning of something that has kept countless fact-checkers busy for nearly three-and-a-half years...more than nineteen thousand lies and misinformation, to be exact.

   The president and his press secretaries, cabinet members, Attorney Generals, various other inner circle officials, and congressional members of his own political party have made this administration a cesspool of lies.  There have been lies of little consequence and there have been lies of tremendous consequence.  Each one of them, however, lowered the integrity of our lie at a time.

   Added to all of this, however, is the purest of this administration's evil:  The goal of dividing our nation.  He pitted everything that is good in America against everything that is evil.  The evil has been his "base" of Anarchists and White Nationalists.  As they became stronger through his leadership, the chasm between them and everyone else became wider and deeper.  They appeared at civil protests across the nation to show us the newly acquired power their president had given them.  They flexed their muscles by showing up in military-style garb, Confederate and Nazi Flags, and assault weapons.

   It has been said so many times, by so many past and present leaders of this country, that our president is a White Supremacist, that it doesn't even seem worth debating anymore.  The facts are there in front of all of us if we choose to accept them.  The tiresome examples have been chewed over until the frustration makes them beyond discussion.  

   The president's supporters are slowing peeling away like the paring of an onion, but according to recent polls many still remain.  These days, the followers of a political party have deep roots.  The devil would have no problem gaining an office if he chose the right ticket.  

   We can no longer pretend that the "elephant in the room" is a decent human being.  The proof is too overwhelming and the stench is too vile.  

   How did we go so wrong?  He is a narcissist, a bigot, a psychological liar, and a White Supremacist!

   And still we have him in the Oval Office.

   This is not just the writings of this blogger.  This is the voices of many.  This is the accepted truth of millions!

   And it has become the journal for history books from the dark side of America.

An Opinion by John Watson


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