The Richer The Are, The Harder They Fall

As a television weatherman might say, "Let's go into the storm for a better look."
Congressman Steve Daines (R) - and rich out-of-state billionaire friends - have spent millions and will probably spend much more to gain a U.S. Senate seat.
Candidate Amanda Curtis (D) - and Montana friends - has a few hundred thousand and one television ad and is working hard to gain the Montana U.S. Senate seat.
Meanwhile, back at the political pollsters,  Daines has a whopping lead of SIXTEEN PERCENTAGE POINTS...AND NARROWING!

Since everyone knows that political offices can be bought, shouldn't that be a much bigger number than 16%?

It's time for Montanans to vote on Nov. 4th for someone who will represent them instead of those billionaires in distant states.  Those guys have bigger fish to fry and are only interested in getting a warm body from Montana - as long as he is a Republican, and even better, one with a Tea Party mentality.

So, you want to vote for who YOU want, or do you want to let OUT-OF-STATERS vote for you?


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