Friday, September 22, 2023

The Man with 41 Counts of Professional Misconduct. . .

Austin Knudsen is the Attorney General and the GOP's "Mouthpiece for the Supermajority Mob in Montana. His work to forge the State's Supreme Court into an aide for the Republican Party is  becoming legendary.  The following media file is a report on his progress.

"A formal complaint was requested by the Judicial Branch's Office of Disciplinary Council (ODC) accusing Attorney General Austin Knudsen of 41 counts of professional misconduct. 

The complaint alleges that Knudsen "undermined public confidence" in the judicial system due to his office's "contemptuous, undignified, discourteous and/or disrespectful" communications during a heated legal dispute between the judicial and legislative branches in 2021."

We may want to remember this before we go to the next election ballot. More, we may want to learn something from it!

I do not know Mr. Knudsen personally, but I know his politics. And they ain't worth diddly.


Thursday, September 21, 2023

It's gonna' be great. . .

 What happens after the Blitzkrieg?

Let's assume Trump is going to win the presidency again. I know, bite my tongue.  But, when you look at the polls, it's a dead heat.

The GOP blitzkrieg has begun: a tactical and coordinated effort by his conspiracy theorists, liars and felons to spread false and misleading information.

The rest should be easy. It worked before and the believers he fooled before seem to have increased in number. The proverb that says  "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" isn't working on these people. They just don't feel any shame no matter how many times he fools them.

So what will America be like under his autocratic dictatorship this time? Most of his worker bees are either in jail, on their way to jail, or won't take a chance on anything that may get them close to a jail! The "old reliables" are probably still hiding in the weeds and ready to give it another go, but they will be few in number.

No, the ones to save his butt this time will be the hard core voters, the domestic terrorist groups, and the - God forgive me for saying it   -  evangelicals. Never has there been a bigger gunnysack full of misguided, misinformed, misfits in recent time!

The earth will rumble, the mountains will slide into the sea, the oceans, lakes and rives will dry up, old women and men will bury their life savings in the hills, little children will hide in their root cellars, other nations will close their borders to all Americans as they try to escape, stock markets will deal with only those who have billion-dollar portfolios, people of color will be re-classified to 3/5 status and women to 4/5 status as human beings, mile-high walls will be built to keep all immigrants from entering the country, schools will be under the control of the American Republican Party, and so on. . . 

But, hey. . . we'll still have Rip-Roarin' Rally Night in the Rose Garden every Saturday with the Commander-in-Chief on center stage performing his latest lies and cross-burnings.

It's gonna' be great.

 Opinion by John Watson

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Montana's favorite White Nationalists with just a few of his White Nationalist friends. 

It's unfortunate that someone didn't inform ol' Matt that this photo would become big news across the country - and Montana, of course. This guy is as slippery as an eel and as untruthful as his idol, Trump.

Montana can certainly do better than this. We've put up with his nonsense long enough.

Today, he voted - again - to shut down our government.  He votes with the Freedom Caucus renegades and trouble-makers every time. He can be found with the likes of Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Mo Brooks, and others who are holding our Constitution, rule of law, and democracy hostage!

Montana is acquiring a lot of people from out of state who are eager to get a political foothold by gathering a few votes from a very few number of voters. Their big-money GOP donors from outside of Montana make for easy pickings. We've got to stop this!

Give ol' Matt the boot in the next election.  He is nothing more than a Montana visitor . . . who has bigly overstayed his welcome.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Waiting for Orders from The Great OZ. . .

Everyone Is At The Kids' Table

The Republican Presidential Debate is a wild and wacky place this year. All of the candidates (so far) have been seated at the kid's table. Stranger still is the fact that the candidate with a "locked-in win" is not even seated yet - and we don't know if he even wants to be there. He seems to have convinced everyone in his party that he should just be crowned nominee by acclamation.

This may go down in history as the strangest and most frightening of them all. The candidates are standing outside of the curtain and waiting for the "Great Wizard of OZ" to show himself and declare his ownership of the nomination. Some of them are looking for a heart, some are looking for courage, and some are looking for a brain. But all are looking for the "the Wizard" to tell them what they can expect to get.

One previous presidential candidate in their Party recently has said it best: "A very large portion of my Party really does not believe in our Constitution."

Bring on the debate. The kid's table is ready to be served!

Opinion by John Watson  

Friday, September 15, 2023

Mob Boss in his own mind. . .

 A Wanna-Be-Mob-Boss -  Who Ain't

"Donald J. Trump was bound up in his imaginary mythos of a mobster as portrayed by Marlon Brando's tuxedoed Vito Corleone." according to writer Laura Bogart of "The Week." "However, the realities that seep through that mythos, like blood on carpet, demonstrates why Trump left the White House at a record low in approval. Trump may have tried to affect the steely suaveness of the hyper-competent crime boss, but he failed, in fact, he's a blundering thug."

I can't help but harken back to movies like "The Godfather" when I see Trump on television interviews and rally speeches. The attempt by him to portray his role of president/former president/mob boss are breathtaking. It seems he had just enough bad acting to keep his TV show on the air and make him think he really was a boss of some tough-guy enterprise. . . just barely enough, anyway.

He attempted to carry the role throughout his four years as President of the United States.  He ignored our rule of law, our bill of rights, and our constitution. He overtly declared he had the power to change or delete anything he didn't like. The bigger problem was his lieutenants in the U.S. House, the Senate, and some State Houses who also saw him as the boss of the GOP mob and carried his water everywhere he went!

Laura Bogart went on to say, "Trump failed (at being the steely suaveness of the hyper-competent crime boss) because, in fact, he's a blundering thug."

Why can't America see him for what he was - and is?  Why have we made this problem more than it is? Why can't we treat him like we did  Al Capone, Sam Giancana, Vito Genovese or Frank Costello?

It seems so easy. . . until we line up a few thousand lawyers across the nation.  Then there ain't nothin' easy, Guido!

Opinion By
John Watson

A venomous sidewinder strikes without warning. . .

Screamin' Matt Rosendale

Straight from the bowels of the
United States House of Representatives
Freedom Caucus
comes the screams of
White Nationalist
(R) Montana

With the Battle Cry

Daddy, why did Montana voters lose their way and let one of the biggest losers ever to make his way into the U.S. House? 

He is a self-proclaimed White Nationalists who stands in the front row at all photo sessions of the irrational Freedom Caucus. He is a bigly supporter of Trump, McCarthy, Taylor-Greene, Gaetz, Brooks, Boebert, and a bevy of other radicalized MAGA monsters. 

If an idea is against America - Rosendale is for it,

Get this sidewinder out of our government!

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Speaker McCarthy said, "Impeachments look like fun...let me try it."

Speaker McCarthy 
"The Voice of the Freedom Caucus"

On a dark and dreary evening in the bowels of the United States House of Representatives, a motley crew of misfits met in secret with former president Trump -  to begin the assault on the current President of their nation. It was to be their finest hour of revenge. It was going to mark their time on earth when they would reek vengeance against the party that brought them down. The Democrats would pay for exposing the coup and insurrection the right-wing waged on our American Government. It was the war on January 6, 2021 that brought our nation to its knees.

It will be the epitome of the Democrats' just desserts. It will stick in their craw for decades. It will be the. . . 

Republicans Revenge!

This will be the personification of handing the lefties the grand Impeachment of Joe Biden!

What evidence do the Republicans have?  They don't need no stinkin' evidence. They just need to ring the bell for a grand and glorious House accusation of impeachment. They just need to go through the House vote to impeach the hapless fool. Evidence is for losers!

How much more must we endure, America?  How much more must we have to endure of these nincompoops and traitors?



Sunday, September 10, 2023

The GOP Debate Stage is kind of ridiculous, ain't it?

In the American Colonies, the stocks were also used, not only for punishment, but as a means of retraining individuals awaiting trial. The offender would be exposed to whatever treatment those who passed by could imagine. This could include tickling of the feet. The Republican Party of today has added to the list of tormenting things a passersby could do, such as reciting the five or six indictments the guy in stocks is under, the crimes of Jan. 6th, the top secret documents he stole, or the  women he has assaulted.

And yet, there he is.  Still on stage with his brothers and sisters of the GOP as they debate who is most worthy of the job to be  their party's nominee for President of the United States. 

As of today, the guy in stocks is ahead of everyone in his party by at least 40 points!

That gives us all a good look at where the MAGA/Republican Party is today.


Friday, September 8, 2023

Democracy be damned. . .

The "Thinker". . . 

Are we the final remnants of that once-great democracy? Are we the tattered vestiges of that "shinning city on the hill?"  Are we now on the cusp of entering the dreaded workshop of the mighty Republican Cult? 

Have we lost our ever-lovin' minds?
We have, indeed. 

Thanks to the work of one man -  the Stinker Thinker -  and his  bevy of cult-based thugs, we are living the days of Hitler's 1930s. They were clinging to the hopes that their efforts would lead them into power, glory, and supreme rule over all. The elite of society would cull out the less desirable.  Democracy would give way to a dictatorship and huge numbers of their people would suffer and die.

Whether this comes to pass in America is still a possibility. However, the horror of it all and the goal of the MAGA/Republican Party to carry it out is enough for all of us to lose countless hours of sleep!

It is also enough for all of us to contemplate the importance of the upcoming elections.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Montana MAGA/Republicans" "The Bold and the Brazen" Soap Opera

Attorney Discipline Office 
Alleges AG Knudsen Violated Professional Rules

The crux of the complaint alleges AG Knudsen violated the professional rules of attorney conduct by repeatedly,  in 41 alleged instances, attempting to undermine the public confidence in the judicial branch. 

No big news story here, folks. 

It's not even worth bringing it up. . . except to highlight, once again, the quagmire Montana voters have gotten themselves into.  They stacked and filled the political offices from Governor on down with the "Bold and the Brazen" MAGA/Republicans. 

Their activities to cut Montanans from the voting registers and make it harder for women to have access to health care are but two of their attacks to overturn our democracy and state constitution. 

This clearly shows how Montana must return to the days when our state worked for the people - and not the power-hungry Montana MAGA/Republican Party! Let's get out in force the next election  and vote for the Montana we all remember.

Corrupt politics do not belong here in the "Last Best Place!"