The Man with 41 Counts of Professional Misconduct. . .

Austin Knudsen is the Attorney General and the GOP's "Mouthpiece for the Supermajority Mob in Montana. His work to forge the State's Supreme Court into an aide for the Republican Party is  becoming legendary.  The following media file is a report on his progress.

"A formal complaint was requested by the Judicial Branch's Office of Disciplinary Council (ODC) accusing Attorney General Austin Knudsen of 41 counts of professional misconduct. 

The complaint alleges that Knudsen "undermined public confidence" in the judicial system due to his office's "contemptuous, undignified, discourteous and/or disrespectful" communications during a heated legal dispute between the judicial and legislative branches in 2021."

We may want to remember this before we go to the next election ballot. More, we may want to learn something from it!

I do not know Mr. Knudsen personally, but I know his politics. And they ain't worth diddly.



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