Montana's favorite White Nationalists with just a few of his White Nationalist friends. 

It's unfortunate that someone didn't inform ol' Matt that this photo would become big news across the country - and Montana, of course. This guy is as slippery as an eel and as untruthful as his idol, Trump.

Montana can certainly do better than this. We've put up with his nonsense long enough.

Today, he voted - again - to shut down our government.  He votes with the Freedom Caucus renegades and trouble-makers every time. He can be found with the likes of Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Mo Brooks, and others who are holding our Constitution, rule of law, and democracy hostage!

Montana is acquiring a lot of people from out of state who are eager to get a political foothold by gathering a few votes from a very few number of voters. Their big-money GOP donors from outside of Montana make for easy pickings. We've got to stop this!

Give ol' Matt the boot in the next election.  He is nothing more than a Montana visitor . . . who has bigly overstayed his welcome.


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