It's gonna' be great. . .

 What happens after the Blitzkrieg?

Let's assume Trump is going to win the presidency again. I know, bite my tongue.  But, when you look at the polls, it's a dead heat.

The GOP blitzkrieg has begun: a tactical and coordinated effort by his conspiracy theorists, liars and felons to spread false and misleading information.

The rest should be easy. It worked before and the believers he fooled before seem to have increased in number. The proverb that says  "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" isn't working on these people. They just don't feel any shame no matter how many times he fools them.

So what will America be like under his autocratic dictatorship this time? Most of his worker bees are either in jail, on their way to jail, or won't take a chance on anything that may get them close to a jail! The "old reliables" are probably still hiding in the weeds and ready to give it another go, but they will be few in number.

No, the ones to save his butt this time will be the hard core voters, the domestic terrorist groups, and the - God forgive me for saying it   -  evangelicals. Never has there been a bigger gunnysack full of misguided, misinformed, misfits in recent time!

The earth will rumble, the mountains will slide into the sea, the oceans, lakes and rives will dry up, old women and men will bury their life savings in the hills, little children will hide in their root cellars, other nations will close their borders to all Americans as they try to escape, stock markets will deal with only those who have billion-dollar portfolios, people of color will be re-classified to 3/5 status and women to 4/5 status as human beings, mile-high walls will be built to keep all immigrants from entering the country, schools will be under the control of the American Republican Party, and so on. . . 

But, hey. . . we'll still have Rip-Roarin' Rally Night in the Rose Garden every Saturday with the Commander-in-Chief on center stage performing his latest lies and cross-burnings.

It's gonna' be great.

 Opinion by John Watson


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