Speaker McCarthy said, "Impeachments look like fun...let me try it."

Speaker McCarthy 
"The Voice of the Freedom Caucus"

On a dark and dreary evening in the bowels of the United States House of Representatives, a motley crew of misfits met in secret with former president Trump -  to begin the assault on the current President of their nation. It was to be their finest hour of revenge. It was going to mark their time on earth when they would reek vengeance against the party that brought them down. The Democrats would pay for exposing the coup and insurrection the right-wing waged on our American Government. It was the war on January 6, 2021 that brought our nation to its knees.

It will be the epitome of the Democrats' just desserts. It will stick in their craw for decades. It will be the. . . 

Republicans Revenge!

This will be the personification of handing the lefties the grand Impeachment of Joe Biden!

What evidence do the Republicans have?  They don't need no stinkin' evidence. They just need to ring the bell for a grand and glorious House accusation of impeachment. They just need to go through the House vote to impeach the hapless fool. Evidence is for losers!

How much more must we endure, America?  How much more must we have to endure of these nincompoops and traitors?




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