Democracy be damned. . .

The "Thinker". . . 

Are we the final remnants of that once-great democracy? Are we the tattered vestiges of that "shinning city on the hill?"  Are we now on the cusp of entering the dreaded workshop of the mighty Republican Cult? 

Have we lost our ever-lovin' minds?
We have, indeed. 

Thanks to the work of one man -  the Stinker Thinker -  and his  bevy of cult-based thugs, we are living the days of Hitler's 1930s. They were clinging to the hopes that their efforts would lead them into power, glory, and supreme rule over all. The elite of society would cull out the less desirable.  Democracy would give way to a dictatorship and huge numbers of their people would suffer and die.

Whether this comes to pass in America is still a possibility. However, the horror of it all and the goal of the MAGA/Republican Party to carry it out is enough for all of us to lose countless hours of sleep!

It is also enough for all of us to contemplate the importance of the upcoming elections.


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