Waiting for Orders from The Great OZ. . .

Everyone Is At The Kids' Table

The Republican Presidential Debate is a wild and wacky place this year. All of the candidates (so far) have been seated at the kid's table. Stranger still is the fact that the candidate with a "locked-in win" is not even seated yet - and we don't know if he even wants to be there. He seems to have convinced everyone in his party that he should just be crowned nominee by acclamation.

This may go down in history as the strangest and most frightening of them all. The candidates are standing outside of the curtain and waiting for the "Great Wizard of OZ" to show himself and declare his ownership of the nomination. Some of them are looking for a heart, some are looking for courage, and some are looking for a brain. But all are looking for the "the Wizard" to tell them what they can expect to get.

One previous presidential candidate in their Party recently has said it best: "A very large portion of my Party really does not believe in our Constitution."

Bring on the debate. The kid's table is ready to be served!

Opinion by John Watson  


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