Tuesday, December 5, 2023

A Trifecta: Money, Power, and Trump

There are three things assumed to be significant in America that will be responsible for bringing our democracy to its knees and they are Republican money, power, and a man called Donald J. Trump. 

The man called Trump, just may be melting like the evil witch in The Wizard of Oz. At present, however, we are not sure of anything!

Seven months ago, in an NBC poll, just 24% of Americans surveyed have positive views of the Make America Great Again, or MAGA movement. The MAGA movement, which takes its name from Trump's first campaign slogan, was the least popular individual or group tested in the new survey. Forty-five percent voiced negative views of MAGA. Trump is still unpopular today and so is the political movement created in his image. It was so in the June poll by NBC and it has slipped downward each month since then.

The major reason for it slippage is Trump's open claim that he will weaponize the Department of Justice and reek revenge on all of his "enemies." He has also threatened to take control of other departments, when elected as president in 2024. His greatest goal is, of course, to replace our democracy with his authoritarian rule.

His thirst for power is undeniable and his base of billionaire donors will help him in an election win.

That would give him the trifecta: money, power, and his unbelievable hold on his "base of insurrectionists" who are obviously uninformed or uncaring voters!


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