Thursday, December 28, 2023

Read and Weep. . .

 Republican's Plan For America

It is an opening scene from a new science fiction movie as offered by the destructive and all-new and diabolical American Republican/MAGA Party. Admission to the movie is one soul from each adult. 

The scorched-earth landscape will be void of a once-beloved and very popular experiment called "democracy." The world saw our "shinning city on the hill" as something to attain for themselves. We were the envy of many countries. 

No longer. 

The wacko MAGA bunch and the Republican elites have become filled with greed and  a hunger for more power. Their appetite is frighteningly intense and it seems there is no way to stop them.

Should you wish to partake of their unholy endeavor, attend the theatre of the macabre, check your soul at the door, stop at the concession stand for a medium-sized container of hemlock, and settle in for the horror show of your life.

Bon appetite! 

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