Monday, December 4, 2023

The Beginning of the End for our democracy. . .

 The Dirty Truth
January 6, 2921 was a day of infamy in America.  It was the day we were attacked by thugs who called themselves Americans and set out to prosecute a coup on America as they sought to overturn our presidential election.

This was an attack on America's homeland - by Americans! That makes it our greatest day - to date - of domestic terrorism.

And the dirty truth is it was planned, directed, and carried out by those who purport to be like us, And, worse yet, they have all taken an solemn oath when sworn into office and took their seat in the U.S. House and Senate of the United States of America. Those who have sworn their allegiance to MAGA have declared themselves traitors to our nation!

So, what are we to do about it?

Apparently, nothing.

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