Trump and Mussolini - damn near twins!


According to some, such similarities have not gone unnoticed, because a few other actual Trump nicknames including Casino Mussolini, Mango Mussolini, Cheat-o Benito, and Benito Cheetolini.

Even their signatures are creepily similar.

It was reported today that Trump said he had never read Mein Kampf. An ex-wife of his did reveal, however, that he had only two books in a night stand by his bed: Speeches by Hitler and The Art of The Deal. It would appear that both books played heavily in his "art" of trying to be president. His lies were the main entrée to nearly all of his dealings and when he needed something to "punch-up" a lie, he turned to Hitler's speeches.  (Mussolini's words worked fine, too.) 

We all know of the ravings of "Il Duce" and his admiration for Adolph Hitler. Their thundering and often incoherent speeches could curdle the blood of their countrymen like no other could.

When you look at the mannerisms of Trump at his "rallies," you see a striking - and eerie - resemblance to the video footage of Benito. While the words the Donald uses are straight from the ravings of Adolph Hitler, there is an uncanny parroting of El Duce, as well.

We all know too well of Mussolini's ending. He was killed by his own countrymen and  hung in a town square in Milan, Italy - upside-down - next to his mistress. Their bodies were further beaten and abused by the happy onlookers. 

All-in-all, there is much more to learn about Trump. . . and it ain't all good, either! And I'd best my last dollar there is a "hanging tree" already picked out somewhere close to Mar-a-Lago. 

. . . not that I'm in favor of that, however.


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