The Briggs/Larson Election Rebellion. . .

The Republican Plague of Montana

Current Cascade County Commissioners (left to right) Jim Larson, Rae Grulkowski, and Joe Briggs (all Republicans) have successfully stolen the election duties from the newly elected Sandra Merchant and will find a more willing person to do their bidding. Merchant retains her duties as Cascade County Clerk and Recorder, however.

In a meeting open to the public, 300 people attended. About 100 were in favor of the change and 200 were adamantly opposed!  Due to the way such Republican-inspired meetings usually goes in Montana, the minority won the day. 

The reason for yanking the election duties from Merchant is vague and - in many minds - political. 

And now, I break in with this important news flash:  The Montana Republicans have been spreading the word since they became a supermajority party that our Montana and national elections have been rigged for years by those dirty liberal malcontents and that Republicans - and Republicans alone - must fix the "problem."   

I have no proof (yet) that this is the Cascade County mischief, but I certainly smell a rat in the courthouse.

Stay tuned.



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