A Square Peg in 325 Million Round Holes. . .

a false impression of one's own importance

Montana U.S. House Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MD)  is reportedly "thinking very heavily" on his decision to run against Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) of the U. S. Senate. That's what most folks would definitely call "delusions of grandeur."

I'm sure the Republicans would find him most welcome because he certainly has all the credentials. He is first and foremost a card-carrying member of MAGA. He is also a proud member of the White Nationalist movement and even had his photo taken for national distribution showing the secret hand sign as he stands next to Donald Trump. 

Rosendale aligns himself with those want to kick our democracy into the ditch and rally around an authoritarian rule for America.

He is a square peg in 325 million round holes and he thinks all round holes should confirm to his thinking. 

We do not want him in the U.S. Senate.

We want him to stay back east and run for secretary of the "Square Peg Society."


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