Friday, July 5, 2024


You-Know-Who Said If He Loses, There'll Be A

No one has ever heard a presidential, or any other candidate,
say anything like that. No One!  But You-Know-Who Said It! Of course, it wouldn't be quite as believable if he hadn't already tried it on Jan. 6, 2021.

This can not be tolerated. This can not be ignored. It just can't. He needs to be brought before  the  Justice Department and he must explain exactly what he meant. Americans need to hear his explanation and then the Attorney General must charge him with the proper punishment.

This troublemaker has gotten away with far too much. Isn't there any way to shut him down? Isn't there anyone who has authority over the guy as far as moving him to the curb on his statements? We common listeners and viewers are held to a strict policy. Why doesn't someone running for President of the United States have to obey the same rules?

For crying-out-loud, it should be common sense to not use the word "bloodbath." He is using a dangerous threat to anyone who is thinking of voting against him.

Am I the only one who thinks this statement should have bounced him from the ballot?  It's like letting the school bully just "do his thing - with immunity! 

Are we men or mice?  Are we suddenly deaf to the words of a treasonous snake who threatens people will die if he is not elected?

If I could write a letter to President Lincoln. . .

President Abraham Lincoln, in 1861, said "The hour is getting late."
 The Hour Is Getting Late, Indeed

The late hour could be improved upon if we could get some honesty from the former president, too. Our nation is in a precarious situation that has been brewing since he came upon the political scene. He is no politician. He is no diplomate. He is no orator. He is no patriot to our constitution. He is no believer in our democracy! And, he must not be our next president!

He is a showman, a con-man, a psychological liar, a sexual predator, a tax cheap, a man who doesn't pay his bills, employees and contractors, a man who crafted a plan to prosecute a coup on our government and overturn a presidential election. He is a man of little-to-no redeeming character and has never shown remorse nor sought redemption for his evil.

This former president has assured the American Voters that he will move our nation from a democracy to an authoritarian-style rule beginning the very first day!  Worse, he has promised a "Bloodbath" should he lose this election in November!

This, then, is our situation, President Lincoln. And as you said in 1861, "the hour is late."  We, today, face the the same threat - not from our enemies across the sea, but from our enemies within!

With the full support of the Republican/MAGA Party, the U.S. Supreme Court, and several large national right-wing concerns, he commands much that is of a national conservative movement. They are fiercely united as they work to overturn our democracy. 

Former President Lincoln, may our Civil War II - should it come to that - be as successful as yours!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

What's-His-Name is getting way too much news!

There seems to be an unlimited number of CNN and MSNBC anchors and field reporters who think they know whether President Joe Biden should step aside after a ninety-minute debate with what's-his-name. I certainly don't feel qualified to know the mental health status of the President.  So, I have asked my crack political writer, "Crazy Charlie"  and is always glad to share it all with our happy readers.

This is pure bullpucky about ol' Joe being unfit to serve. He traveled to the other side of the world and back twice just a week or two  before that damn debate. Prior to that, he has been running all over trying to win the 2024 election. Plus, he caught a cold. So, tired, sleepy, and stressed over walking on stage  with that dumb-acting nincompoop nitwit was enough for any man. 

Plus, he knows he's going to be lied to beyond-words by what's-his-name. He'll have to get his message out while defending himself from the false thirty-seven fact-based out-right lies. It was a tough agenda, at best. Plus, by the President's own admission, he was having a bad evening.  He admitted he made mistakes. As Biden said, it was ninety-minutes out of three-and-a-half years. His State of the Union this year was awesome, as were his other speeches. He has been a stutterer since birth, but he has managed it well.  That can't tell someone they're unfit for office.  He's been in politics more than half of his eight-one years.

All of this concern that Joe Biden is past due to put out to pasture is hogwash. Get a life, complainers, and get back to your own jobs. You ain't doing so hot there, either!

While some on both sides of the aisle say maybe he should step aside, the angst is really because this is such a pivotal election. No one wants to see what's-his-name this close to getting the office every again.

Stay calm. . . this will all work itself out.

King Trumplestein, Ruler of AMERIKA

"Try it on, sire. . . see if it fits. It's one of our finest from the Supreme Court Gift Shop."

And thus, it was absolutely decreed that he would then become our King, our new Monarch,  and  our first and finest Supreme Ruler. 

A decree went out across the land that His Majesty King Donald John Trumplestein will now be entitled to order SEAL Team Six to eradicate any and all political opponents that King Donald despised. That also included any newscasters that have ever done him wrong!

Project 2025 has begun and the cleansing of the vermin liberals from the face of the earth will soon be complete. King Longtie will host a Grand Ball in his honor this weekend. It will also celebrate the final televised airing of CNN and MSNBC because of their negative views regarding the MAGA folks,  they have been banished from the pristine and pure land of MAGA.

Hail to thee, Great Longtie Trumplestein! As leader of the MAGA Supreme Court, I welcome you.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

They are "Human Gimme" Pigs , ,

Slip Slidin' away. . . 

America is in the process of destroying itself for the worst possible reason. The Grand Old Party decided to stop rendering a party platform each election because it just didn't tell the real story of what they wanted to do. Their party officials were beginning to admit in public that the party's real goals were unstainable to win elections. It had moved so far from the mainstream of where America was  that they would never win another national election.

It was time for the Party to come "into the light" and profess their true love: A Party that has all of the characteristics of a cold-hearted Cult!

Thus, America's catastrophic slide into oblivion began. It will take some time, but it will happen - as sure as God made little green apples and square-headed little orange MAGA people.

The vicious cult has a plan book and it's called: Project 2025. It is formally known as the Presidential Transition Project and is a collection of right-wing policy proposals from The Heritage Foundation to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power should a MAGA/Republican Party candidate win the 2024 presidential election. Their budget is set at $22 million and Paul Dans is the director. The project was established in 2022.

Their plan really took off when their U.S. Supreme Court finally took the lead and burned Roe v. Wade to the ground. The current project - to give total immunity to the president - was handled this past week when they decided Trump's immunity was, and is, nearly solid gold.

What's next?  Place the Department of Justice under the Executive Branch? Restrict the powers of the Legislative Branch? Ban abortions everywhere? Mandatory teaching from the Bible in all public schools?  Where will it end?

It's time to begin listening to the voters!


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Who Loosed the MAGA Hounds?

Supreme Court Justice Clarence "Bribery Coast" Thomas wants to know if Jack Smith, Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice, is legitimate?  I don't think Thomas has ever heard the phrase, "Don't live in glass mansions if you are going to make a career of throwing rocks."

These nasty right-wing conservatives on the Supreme Court are starting to get under everyone's skin. They won a big illegitimate case for the big "gifter" and now they're going back for seconds and it seems Jack Smith is the "Bribery Coast's" next target. 

It seems to me that the Civil War II has begun with Donald Trump leading from the rear and the high court taking the lead. They'll need to spring the scroungy-looking Stevie Bannon from jail and let him fire up the "War Room" again.

Various other "MAGA minions" will be wanting to climb on board as soon possible. 

In the meantime, Old Clarence will continue his search for a way to find Jack Smith is not  legitimate to be the Special Counsel. And, that will toss all charges against Trump into the Supreme Court's big hole they've been digging in their back yard!

What color of uniform will you be wanting?  MAGA Grey or American Blue?  The Supreme Court Justices have already ordered theirs, and they ain't black any more.

I'm kind of partial to Trump and all of his MAGA followers  in Orange Jumpsuits!

Don't you agree?

If the Supreme Court is Again' Us, Who Can Be For us?

Opinion by
John Watson


America, do we have to
Lay Back In The 
Arms Of The MAGA Dragon?

America has not faced a catastrophe such as this since April 12, 1861 at 4:30 a.m. when Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina's Charleston Harbor. Less than 34 hours later, Union forces surrendered. Traditionally, this event has been used to mark the start of the Civil War.

On July 1, 2024, the United States Supreme Court handed down the highly unpopular decision that any and all United States Presidents have immunity from prosecution on actions taken that are of an Official Nature. (As Shakespeare said, "Ay, there's the rub!) What will be "Official and what will not. . ."  

President Joe Biden must feel the enormity of what President Abraham Lincoln felt when that fateful day in 1861. It foretold of thousands of lives to be lost, a tremendous uprooting of families and homes, and a nation brought to the brink of disaster because our Supreme Court decided to play their 6 to 3 conservative majority card! 

Today, July 2, 2024, the American government is facing a dilemma of its own Judicial Branch's choosing. The U.S. Supreme Court has decided to give presidents powers that equate, in many ways, to being a king. The political move was intended by conservatives on the High Court, to help the former president (Donald Trump) out of his criminal entanglements. 

We are at war - at least in a political sense - and only time will tell how we fare. Will cooler heads prevail and the high court recant some of their decisions? That would be highly unlikely. Or, will it all lead to more profound and catastrophic actions?

Watch your favorite news source for the progress of this story. Or, watch for my daily blog as I follow the events. In the meantime, lay back in the arms of the MAGA dragon and keep your musket cleaned and ready!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Kind of, Maybe, Sometimes. . .

The Conservative Majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled
that the President kind of, maybe, sometimes 
is immune from prosecution

That is about as clear as it's gonna get, folks. The conservatives on the highest court in the land have handed down a verdict that says, about as clear a gumbo mud, that Trump might be able to shoot his political opponents and be immune from facing murder charges.

Attorneys, judges, legal experts, and television anchors are still trying to understand how, exactly, the law will fit the illegal and heinous crimes that Donald J. Trump foisted upon our nation. Will he be found guilty of what all Americans heard and saw with their own ears and eyes? 

It appears to me that a president will - as of this ruling - never see a verdict of "guilty" unless he is unfortunate enough to be a member of the political party that is in the minority.

This verdict was as ambiguous as the conservatives could possibly make it. Each future case will  have to be argued as to whether the president's act was done as an official act or not.

For example, if President Biden made a call to SEAL Team Six and had Trump "wasted" because he had good info that Trump's  MAGA Flying Monkeys were about to "take out" Biden, would that be an "official" act for Biden?

Well, since the Supreme Court is six conservatives and three liberals, I sure wouldn't take a chance. They could change their law, again, in a New York minute! . . . or sooner!

Remember, we are living on the threshold of an authoritarian rule right now.