Friday, July 5, 2024

If I could write a letter to President Lincoln. . .

President Abraham Lincoln, in 1861, said "The hour is getting late."
 The Hour Is Getting Late, Indeed

The late hour could be improved upon if we could get some honesty from the former president, too. Our nation is in a precarious situation that has been brewing since he came upon the political scene. He is no politician. He is no diplomate. He is no orator. He is no patriot to our constitution. He is no believer in our democracy! And, he must not be our next president!

He is a showman, a con-man, a psychological liar, a sexual predator, a tax cheap, a man who doesn't pay his bills, employees and contractors, a man who crafted a plan to prosecute a coup on our government and overturn a presidential election. He is a man of little-to-no redeeming character and has never shown remorse nor sought redemption for his evil.

This former president has assured the American Voters that he will move our nation from a democracy to an authoritarian-style rule beginning the very first day!  Worse, he has promised a "Bloodbath" should he lose this election in November!

This, then, is our situation, President Lincoln. And as you said in 1861, "the hour is late."  We, today, face the the same threat - not from our enemies across the sea, but from our enemies within!

With the full support of the Republican/MAGA Party, the U.S. Supreme Court, and several large national right-wing concerns, he commands much that is of a national conservative movement. They are fiercely united as they work to overturn our democracy. 

Former President Lincoln, may our Civil War II - should it come to that - be as successful as yours!

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