Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Who Loosed the MAGA Hounds?

Supreme Court Justice Clarence "Bribery Coast" Thomas wants to know if Jack Smith, Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice, is legitimate?  I don't think Thomas has ever heard the phrase, "Don't live in glass mansions if you are going to make a career of throwing rocks."

These nasty right-wing conservatives on the Supreme Court are starting to get under everyone's skin. They won a big illegitimate case for the big "gifter" and now they're going back for seconds and it seems Jack Smith is the "Bribery Coast's" next target. 

It seems to me that the Civil War II has begun with Donald Trump leading from the rear and the high court taking the lead. They'll need to spring the scroungy-looking Stevie Bannon from jail and let him fire up the "War Room" again.

Various other "MAGA minions" will be wanting to climb on board as soon possible. 

In the meantime, Old Clarence will continue his search for a way to find Jack Smith is not  legitimate to be the Special Counsel. And, that will toss all charges against Trump into the Supreme Court's big hole they've been digging in their back yard!

What color of uniform will you be wanting?  MAGA Grey or American Blue?  The Supreme Court Justices have already ordered theirs, and they ain't black any more.

I'm kind of partial to Trump and all of his MAGA followers  in Orange Jumpsuits!

Don't you agree?

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