Wednesday, July 3, 2024

They are "Human Gimme" Pigs , ,

Slip Slidin' away. . . 

America is in the process of destroying itself for the worst possible reason. The Grand Old Party decided to stop rendering a party platform each election because it just didn't tell the real story of what they wanted to do. Their party officials were beginning to admit in public that the party's real goals were unstainable to win elections. It had moved so far from the mainstream of where America was  that they would never win another national election.

It was time for the Party to come "into the light" and profess their true love: A Party that has all of the characteristics of a cold-hearted Cult!

Thus, America's catastrophic slide into oblivion began. It will take some time, but it will happen - as sure as God made little green apples and square-headed little orange MAGA people.

The vicious cult has a plan book and it's called: Project 2025. It is formally known as the Presidential Transition Project and is a collection of right-wing policy proposals from The Heritage Foundation to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power should a MAGA/Republican Party candidate win the 2024 presidential election. Their budget is set at $22 million and Paul Dans is the director. The project was established in 2022.

Their plan really took off when their U.S. Supreme Court finally took the lead and burned Roe v. Wade to the ground. The current project - to give total immunity to the president - was handled this past week when they decided Trump's immunity was, and is, nearly solid gold.

What's next?  Place the Department of Justice under the Executive Branch? Restrict the powers of the Legislative Branch? Ban abortions everywhere? Mandatory teaching from the Bible in all public schools?  Where will it end?

It's time to begin listening to the voters!


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