Monday, July 1, 2024

Kind of, Maybe, Sometimes. . .

The Conservative Majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled
that the President kind of, maybe, sometimes 
is immune from prosecution

That is about as clear as it's gonna get, folks. The conservatives on the highest court in the land have handed down a verdict that says, about as clear a gumbo mud, that Trump might be able to shoot his political opponents and be immune from facing murder charges.

Attorneys, judges, legal experts, and television anchors are still trying to understand how, exactly, the law will fit the illegal and heinous crimes that Donald J. Trump foisted upon our nation. Will he be found guilty of what all Americans heard and saw with their own ears and eyes? 

It appears to me that a president will - as of this ruling - never see a verdict of "guilty" unless he is unfortunate enough to be a member of the political party that is in the minority.

This verdict was as ambiguous as the conservatives could possibly make it. Each future case will  have to be argued as to whether the president's act was done as an official act or not.

For example, if President Biden made a call to SEAL Team Six and had Trump "wasted" because he had good info that Trump's  MAGA Flying Monkeys were about to "take out" Biden, would that be an "official" act for Biden?

Well, since the Supreme Court is six conservatives and three liberals, I sure wouldn't take a chance. They could change their law, again, in a New York minute! . . . or sooner!

Remember, we are living on the threshold of an authoritarian rule right now.

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