Thursday, July 4, 2024

What's-His-Name is getting way too much news!

There seems to be an unlimited number of CNN and MSNBC anchors and field reporters who think they know whether President Joe Biden should step aside after a ninety-minute debate with what's-his-name. I certainly don't feel qualified to know the mental health status of the President.  So, I have asked my crack political writer, "Crazy Charlie"  and is always glad to share it all with our happy readers.

This is pure bullpucky about ol' Joe being unfit to serve. He traveled to the other side of the world and back twice just a week or two  before that damn debate. Prior to that, he has been running all over trying to win the 2024 election. Plus, he caught a cold. So, tired, sleepy, and stressed over walking on stage  with that dumb-acting nincompoop nitwit was enough for any man. 

Plus, he knows he's going to be lied to beyond-words by what's-his-name. He'll have to get his message out while defending himself from the false thirty-seven fact-based out-right lies. It was a tough agenda, at best. Plus, by the President's own admission, he was having a bad evening.  He admitted he made mistakes. As Biden said, it was ninety-minutes out of three-and-a-half years. His State of the Union this year was awesome, as were his other speeches. He has been a stutterer since birth, but he has managed it well.  That can't tell someone they're unfit for office.  He's been in politics more than half of his eight-one years.

All of this concern that Joe Biden is past due to put out to pasture is hogwash. Get a life, complainers, and get back to your own jobs. You ain't doing so hot there, either!

While some on both sides of the aisle say maybe he should step aside, the angst is really because this is such a pivotal election. No one wants to see what's-his-name this close to getting the office every again.

Stay calm. . . this will all work itself out.

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