You can pick your yeses, but you can't pick you noes. . .

The way this new Primary Election ballot in Montana will work sounds simple enough, and I'm hearing a lot of ornery grousing about it from the Republican/MAGA folks? With the "Red Tsunami" last election, you'd think it would be like they are about to land in a big field of four-lead clover. Of course. the have been known to use "reverse psychology" on us to confuse us - more than we already are.

The driver in this new concept is "Political Party." The plan is to move the four top vote-getters - not from each Party - but just the "Top four winners" of the Primary election.   As each issue is tallied for vote count, the top four will advance to the General Election - regardless of political persuasion. Supposedly, we won't know what they are until the top four high votes are selected.  I'm guessing a lot of us won't know until we're told what Party is theirs. That is supposed to be the beauty of "Open Primaries."


Here in the "Last Best Place," we have an abundance of cranky, right-wing voters who seem to have an abundance of need to plug every office with crankier, more right-wing candidates. I don't know if Democrat voters just meandered their butts to the ballot boxes too slowly last election, or if Montana has finally run out of them, but it may have prompted this CI-126. 

Maybe the slow walkin', slow talkin' Donkeys can find a higher gear in their get-alongs and get on top of this issue on Nov. 5, 2024!

Show us what you've got, Dems!

Next, let's tackle my favorite election bug-a-boo: "If you are not a "Native Montanan" you can't vote at all."

I'll just shut up now. 

Sarcastic Thoughts
From John Watson


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