Tuesday, February 18, 2020

What about the "day after?"

   I would love to be a high school history teacher right now and explain a few things  to those young minds who will be running things in a few short years.

   I would begin by saying things today are not what they appear.  They are loose on morals and the swamp is filled with a cesspool of bad actors who are downright scary and very criminal.

   I wouldn't sugar coat anything.  I would call "a spade a damn shovel" and let them understand the gravity of the problem.  Now is not the time to be coddling milk-toasters who have been lied to by false leaders.   We will expect these youngsters to bring America back to respectability, and return her as that "shining city on the hill."

We will need to tell them that the moral decay of the Trump years must be removed and relegated to historians for final rites, with a clear definition of what he and his minions viciously foisted upon our nation.

   As America's youth struggles to understand exactly what their older generation left under the tree for them, they will need a better road map than what is being drawn up today.  It is not our intent to let them figure it out for themselves.  

There is a better way.

Our generation, and all generations before us, were given the best of all possible plans.  
It was called The Constitution.  
It was as perfect as anything ever put to paper and has served our nation proudly for well over two hundred years!

   Why our current president and his ill-gotten minions and thugs thought they could ad lib their way through this four-year term is beyond comprehension.  Power, narcissism, and corruption are the reasons that first come to mind.  Why they chose to take an entire political party down that road with them is hard to understand, but why that political party chose to be led by the nose is unfathomable.  Did they not see the dangers facing them on Nov. 3, 2020?

This catastrophe will be debated ad nauseam
 far into our nation's future.  And the youth of today will need all of the facts they can retrieve from the mess we are leaving them.  
They will need to untangle the unimaginable number of lies that have been sowed along the way.  They will need to get our nation back on the right path and with the right truths!

   While I do not fancy myself a history teacher of any sort, I do believe we had all better bone up on helping our youngsters as they wade through the swamp we allowed some miscreants to stock with very unpleasant creatures.  It was made with a putrid recipe that most of us allowed to brew.

Our first step is to fix the problem.

Our next step will be to make sure future
 generations never finds that recipe again!



Sunday, February 16, 2020

Out with the Old - In with the New

    The Republicans are coming!  
 The Republicans are coming!

    There is an invasion on everything we Montanans hold dear and they have taken their corrupt intentions straight from the playbook of the Trump Troglodytes.

    Our United States Senate seat, currently held by Steve Daines, is up for re-election this year.  This man is proving that Montana would be far better off even if we had no one in the seat at all.  He is so far removed from representing our great state that he has to ask for directions when he comes home.  His idea of finding what's on our minds is to invite a "carefully chosen handful of folks" to chat with him on a "town hall phone call."  And you won't find any Democrats there, either...they  are as scarce as hens' teeth.

    From the same swamp, Representative Greg "The Media Bodyslammer" Gianforte has two uneventful years in the U.S. House and now thinks he is ready to be our Governor.  Ha!  He has sold his soul to the corrupt and impeached President Trump and his only real claim to fame is his multi-million dollar bank account.  His 2018 election eve body slamming of a news report who asked him in Bozeman, "could you tell us about the GOP health care plan that would replace the ACA," was most telling.  He promptly slammed the poor reporter to the ground!

    Another lost soul slogging around in the Montana GOP swamp is Elsie Arntzen, head of our Office of Public Instruction.   She has been reading the Trumpster Plan Book for some time and, like her national counterpart, Betsy DeVos, hates anything related to Public Education.  They both hate public schools, but love our public's tax money and are constantly looking for ways to slide a big chunk of it over to their precious charter and private schools.

    These are but three big reasons why we Montana Voters  must take up our torches and pitchforks and  enter the fray.  Many more of these "Trump Thinkers" are planning on heading to our next Legislative Session and we need to read our ballots carefully and "cut them off at the pass."

    Accepting the fact that Montana has been a "Red State" for years, it is now time we revisit that mistake.  Our GOP brothers and sisters have become too big for their bloomers.

    Montana isn't going to be Trump Country anymore!


All mouth and headin' "South"...

    In all his glory, from gloves to gown.
   His hair is sprayed, his trunks pulled down.
   He waddles to the center ring,
   removes his robe and starts to sing.

   "All hail to me, I'm the best of all,
    I never lose, I never fall.
   But poor ol' Nancy, weak and frail,
   I'll be on her like hammer to nail.

   She is no match for such as me;
   I'll put her down before round three.
   She's coming out to start the fight.
   She'll never see my awesome right.

   Wait, what's she doing over there?
   Standing still beside her chair.
She hasn't even worked a sweat;
I'm fighting hard, but no win yet.

   I'm punching hard from head to toes,
   there's no defense for all my blows.
   But why am the one who's sore?
   She hasn't moved, and it's round four.

   I'm getting faint, I'm about to drop.
   I'll try this punch before I stop. 
   She won't know where it's coming from,
   She's such a "lib," she's such a bum.

   One last blow should end it here
   But wait, she's still beside her chair!
   She hasn't moved - and yet I'm hazy;
   Who's been hitting me like crazy?

   It must have been that referee
   who beat the tar from poor ol' me.
   Sure, that's the way it must have been,
   I couldn't have lost to that ol' hen!"

Poem by that Damn Democrat
John Watson


Thursday, February 13, 2020

Another trip down the "rabbit hole"

Americans struggle with reality as they
plunge deep into the "rabbit hole"
where up is down, right is wrong,  fact is fiction,
and democracy is becoming yesterday's dream.

    Once upon a time, the president ordered a soldier out of his job at the White House because he had the audacity to speak the truth against him.  The soldier was a career man in the U.S. Army, served in a hostile environment in Afghanistan and was decorated with a Purple Heart for wounds he had received.  He still carries shrapnel in his body from those wounds.  He was a White House staff employee who crossed the president by telling a U.S. House Committee the truth about what he knew about the Ukraine fiasco.  To add insult to injury, he was humiliated as he was escorted out of the White House like a common criminal.  He has a twin brother who is an attorney and was also working in the White House.  He was, however, not involved in his brother's situation, but was escorted out with his brother, just the same.

    If this story sounds like a sad fairy tale, it isn't.  It is as true as anything you will ever hear.  

    And it is also as sick as anything you will ever hear.

    The president was a draft dodger with many deferments from military service (based on a questionable bone spur on his heel)  because it is presumed he did not want to go to Viet Nam.  And yet, he decided to exact revenge on this White House military hero because he dared to tell the truth.  

    Sadly, there are thousands of stories involving dishonesty and pure hate that ooze from this resident of our Oval Office.

    This is but one more.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Coup d'etat Wrecking Ball

   Let's say the President decided to put into action a coup d'eat that would take over the Government of the United States of  America.  What would he have to do? 

   1.  He would have to bring into line the assistance of the Vice President, Majority Leader of the Senate, leading members of the Senate, U.S. Attorney General, and Cabinet Secretaries.

   2.   He would need loyal members of his own party in the U.S. House to speak for and with him on every issue.

   3.   He would need to convince the nation that the media (with the exception of FOX "news") is their enemy and they are spreading nothing but lies.  The people can trust no one but the president.  They cannot trust their own eyes and ears.

   4.   He would need to make sure the necessary departments would eliminate all regulations that have been ruling on clean air and water, and public lands that have been protected from drilling, mining, etc.

   5.   He would have to remove from service all of those who question his authority on matters of national security and halt any investigations by FBI and intelligence agencies of anyone who is resisting his authority.

   6.  He would have to keep a running onslaught of lies and misinformation to confuse the public as to what they can and cannot believe.
   7.   He would declare a removal of America from global participation regarding the Climate Change dangers and important memberships in such agencies as NATO.

   8.   He would need to meet with America's adversaries in secret sessions without witnesses who could report back to our news agencies the true nature of such meetings.

   9.   He would need to cut funding to programs that have benefited for decades in order to fund huge tax cuts that he promised his richest friends. 

  10.   He would need to feign a posture of being the victim when his opposition party tries to stop his corrupt assault on America.

   There are, of course, many other incidental actions that he would need to accomplish as the plan is unfolded. Many of these can be handled through dozens of false information in the form of tweets each day.

   Such is the plan book of an authoritarian and his coup d'etat on American democracy, values, normalcy, and civility.  Such is a fatally flawed human being; a one man, narcissistic, wrecking ball!

And if you were wondering if such a plan could work,
let me be the first to inform you:


All 10 steps... and more!


Sunday, February 9, 2020

Trump, Gianforte, and Garcia - Thugs All

Greg Gianforte, Republican Candidate for Governor of Montana
became the poster boy for Trump's menacing style
when he body-slammed a reporter for asking a simple question
about health care for Americans.

    Much has been said and written about the vulgar, tough-talking president.  His demeanor during his real estate business years is less known to Americans, but his corrupt style of dealings was of high visibility to most New Yorkers.

    If his crude mannerisms had not been so seriously contagious, we would have all learned to live with them.  Sadly, that is not the case. 

The President's "base" is a segment of our population who have been waiting for just such a "savior" to come along.  He is the "be all and end all" of who they have dreamed would come along.  He is hailed as the one who will promise them that "the KKK and the South shall rise again."

    Trump's totally unconventional and unacceptable style as President of the United States has enabled this "base" to come out from their hiding places, march into the bright light,  put on their hoods, and with everlasting triumph, claim their rightful place in America.  The President, in turn, feeds into their needs and will even strike the first match to burn the cross of celebration.

With proof of how far down the line this horrendous activity can reach, Montana's Rep. Rodney Garcia (R-Billings) can be considered one of the President's great achievements.  Garcia has announced that according to our Constitution (although he admits he doesn't know exactly where it can be found in the Constitution) it is legal to jail or shoot socialists!  The Montana House Speaker has asked him to resign and he flatly refused.  To date, that's where Garcia's remark stands.

    Up and down the line - from the President to the newest member of this violent "base" - it continues to be fueled by the "bully-in-chief."  His profane, off-colored, outlandish, and crude rants about anyone who disagrees with him has grated on the nerves of Americans for more than three years...with no sign of letting up.  As a matter of fact, it is seen by most as getting worse since his impeachment.

 His inner sanctum of followers
(such as Gianforte and Garcia)
 are becoming bolder and more dangerous.  

    That is just how the president likes it.

    And that is how his "base" really likes it!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

We will have these nightmares to remember

On February Six, he did the town
The night he tore our nation down.
We will have these nightmares to remember.
His vulgar talk, the lies we caught,
The Pulitzer Prize he never got,
We will have these nightmares to remember.

Though winter turns to springtime,
And the good time disappears.
The sadness we all have to share,
Will echo through the years.

Though other nights and other days
May find us lost and in a haze.
We will have these nightmares to remember.

His rowdy crowd - always set to blow,
But we just hate to watch the show.
We will have these nightmares to remember.

Bad Poetry by
John Watson

We will definitely overcome the terror of Donald J. Trump, but I'm not so sure the Republican Party will.

They have thrown in with the "Windbag of New York" and now must reap the whirlwind. It's going to be a herculean job just trying to put their political party back together!

   Will there be enough of them around who cares?  

   A better question:
Will there even be any on them around?



Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The New "Ugly American"

    If you can still sing "America the Beautiful" with a straight face, you are one lucky son-of-a-gun.

    We are no longer a nation of bright, happy, top-of-the-world people.  We are no longer the greatest country on the planet.  We are no longer the most revered people.  We are no longer the place where people from other countries yearn to come, live, and work.  We are no longer the place where our citizens can live the American Dream.  We are no longer the place where we have the freedom to choose our political representatives, because we seem to be okay with letting other corrupt countries do that for us.  We are no longer the proud citizens of the most corrupt bevy of politicians this side of a dictatorship.  We, and many other nations, no longer consider America the last best place on earth!

    And we can blame no one but ourselves for the deep, dark slippage in the world ranking.

    We have grown fat and lazy.  We need pills to keep us happy, pills to help us sleep, pills to try to lose weight, pills to build muscles when we are too lazy to exercise, and more pills to counteract the side effects of all the other pills.

Opinion by
John Watson
    We dress like we just got out of bed, off the horse, or back from the landfill.  We men have found an excuse not to shave and the women have discovered yoga pants for gawd-only-knows why.  We don't teach our children to show respect for others.  (And they grow up to not respect their parents, as well.)  We use grunts and cuss words instead of normal conversation.  We find nothing wrong with throwing "F" bombs throughout the day - even the president and his cabinet officials.

    We have found a way to "dumb down" practically everything!  Going to church takes up a big chunk of our Sundays, so we decided disbelieving is easier and we quit going.  Grubby jeans are dressy enough if enough of us decide they are.  Everything on earth is disposable if we say it is.  If it breaks, we replace it.  If we are tired of it, we get a new one.  

    If we don't want to do something, we'll find someone else to do it for us.  Who wants to go to war?  We have people who will do that for us.  If they get wounded, we have public funded donations like "Wounded Warriors" to help them when they get back home.  

    We don't get involved in how our nation is being run because we aren't really in to politics, you understand.  We  just hope somebody else is taking care of that. 

    I could go on all day, but I think you get my drift.  Feel free to add a few more "ugly" traits you have noticed.  

    We really have become the new "Ugly Americans," and for the life of me, I don't understand how we can look around and be proud of that.

    But we are.  Proud as peacocks.

    ...and ugly as all get-out, too.


Saturday, February 1, 2020

Hail! Render Unto Trump All That Is Trump's...

Corrupt:  Change from good to bad in morals, manners, or actions.  Also, Bribe: to degrade with unsound principles or moral values. To become morally debased.  To become tainted or rotten.

    We do not need to spend precious time looking for the exact moment when our president changed from good to bad.  We only need to talk to fellow real estate developers, contractors, employees, banks, and bankruptcy courts who crossed his path numerous times over the years...and were ALL cheated by "The Donald."

   His corrupt business and financial dealings were well documented in New York and around the world.

   So, how was he elected President of the United States, you deservedly ask?  The answer is awkwardly given:  (1): he ran as a Republican.  (2): all Republicans voted for him - even knowing what they knew of him...and (3): he had help from Russia, as verified by all of our national intelligence agencies.

   Hence, we must accept the fact that he came into the Oval Office with his corrupt mind fully engaged and "able to hit the ground running." 

   More than 350 learned psychologists and psychiatrists have signed a letter saying this about the man:  "Unfit to hold office," "Incapable of doing the work," "Refuses to learn what it takes to do the job," "A badly flawed human being," "A man with low or no morals,"  "A deeply Narcissistic man,"  "Most likely a racist and a White Supremacist,"  ...the list of corrupt mannerisms goes on and on.  They are insisting that the man needs medical attention, but to no avail.  His supporters in Congress will hear none of it. Likewise, his Republican supporters across the country refuse to accept one negative word against him.

   In modern times - and some say since the beginning - he is an unprecedented enigma to our national political scene.  

   If it were a case of his lack of ability to lead, it would be one thing, but his refusal to even try is frightening.  He pushes aside any advice and will stumble ahead, wildly, choosing a path that suits him personally, but to the detriment of all others - including the nation.

   Yet, he is being allowed to continue his hold on the presidency by the Republican Members of the United States Senate.  Some say out of fear, some say because of their desire to simply hold on to the Oval Office residency, and some even say they actually like the guy.

   My answer as to why they so strongly support him:  Because they share most - if not all - of the flawed character traits found in him!

   Comes the revolution!