Tuesday, February 18, 2020

What about the "day after?"

   I would love to be a high school history teacher right now and explain a few things  to those young minds who will be running things in a few short years.

   I would begin by saying things today are not what they appear.  They are loose on morals and the swamp is filled with a cesspool of bad actors who are downright scary and very criminal.

   I wouldn't sugar coat anything.  I would call "a spade a damn shovel" and let them understand the gravity of the problem.  Now is not the time to be coddling milk-toasters who have been lied to by false leaders.   We will expect these youngsters to bring America back to respectability, and return her as that "shining city on the hill."

We will need to tell them that the moral decay of the Trump years must be removed and relegated to historians for final rites, with a clear definition of what he and his minions viciously foisted upon our nation.

   As America's youth struggles to understand exactly what their older generation left under the tree for them, they will need a better road map than what is being drawn up today.  It is not our intent to let them figure it out for themselves.  

There is a better way.

Our generation, and all generations before us, were given the best of all possible plans.  
It was called The Constitution.  
It was as perfect as anything ever put to paper and has served our nation proudly for well over two hundred years!

   Why our current president and his ill-gotten minions and thugs thought they could ad lib their way through this four-year term is beyond comprehension.  Power, narcissism, and corruption are the reasons that first come to mind.  Why they chose to take an entire political party down that road with them is hard to understand, but why that political party chose to be led by the nose is unfathomable.  Did they not see the dangers facing them on Nov. 3, 2020?

This catastrophe will be debated ad nauseam
 far into our nation's future.  And the youth of today will need all of the facts they can retrieve from the mess we are leaving them.  
They will need to untangle the unimaginable number of lies that have been sowed along the way.  They will need to get our nation back on the right path and with the right truths!

   While I do not fancy myself a history teacher of any sort, I do believe we had all better bone up on helping our youngsters as they wade through the swamp we allowed some miscreants to stock with very unpleasant creatures.  It was made with a putrid recipe that most of us allowed to brew.

Our first step is to fix the problem.

Our next step will be to make sure future
 generations never finds that recipe again!



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