The New "Ugly American"

    If you can still sing "America the Beautiful" with a straight face, you are one lucky son-of-a-gun.

    We are no longer a nation of bright, happy, top-of-the-world people.  We are no longer the greatest country on the planet.  We are no longer the most revered people.  We are no longer the place where people from other countries yearn to come, live, and work.  We are no longer the place where our citizens can live the American Dream.  We are no longer the place where we have the freedom to choose our political representatives, because we seem to be okay with letting other corrupt countries do that for us.  We are no longer the proud citizens of the most corrupt bevy of politicians this side of a dictatorship.  We, and many other nations, no longer consider America the last best place on earth!

    And we can blame no one but ourselves for the deep, dark slippage in the world ranking.

    We have grown fat and lazy.  We need pills to keep us happy, pills to help us sleep, pills to try to lose weight, pills to build muscles when we are too lazy to exercise, and more pills to counteract the side effects of all the other pills.

Opinion by
John Watson
    We dress like we just got out of bed, off the horse, or back from the landfill.  We men have found an excuse not to shave and the women have discovered yoga pants for gawd-only-knows why.  We don't teach our children to show respect for others.  (And they grow up to not respect their parents, as well.)  We use grunts and cuss words instead of normal conversation.  We find nothing wrong with throwing "F" bombs throughout the day - even the president and his cabinet officials.

    We have found a way to "dumb down" practically everything!  Going to church takes up a big chunk of our Sundays, so we decided disbelieving is easier and we quit going.  Grubby jeans are dressy enough if enough of us decide they are.  Everything on earth is disposable if we say it is.  If it breaks, we replace it.  If we are tired of it, we get a new one.  

    If we don't want to do something, we'll find someone else to do it for us.  Who wants to go to war?  We have people who will do that for us.  If they get wounded, we have public funded donations like "Wounded Warriors" to help them when they get back home.  

    We don't get involved in how our nation is being run because we aren't really in to politics, you understand.  We  just hope somebody else is taking care of that. 

    I could go on all day, but I think you get my drift.  Feel free to add a few more "ugly" traits you have noticed.  

    We really have become the new "Ugly Americans," and for the life of me, I don't understand how we can look around and be proud of that.

    But we are.  Proud as peacocks.

    ...and ugly as all get-out, too.



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