Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Coup d'etat Wrecking Ball

   Let's say the President decided to put into action a coup d'eat that would take over the Government of the United States of  America.  What would he have to do? 

   1.  He would have to bring into line the assistance of the Vice President, Majority Leader of the Senate, leading members of the Senate, U.S. Attorney General, and Cabinet Secretaries.

   2.   He would need loyal members of his own party in the U.S. House to speak for and with him on every issue.

   3.   He would need to convince the nation that the media (with the exception of FOX "news") is their enemy and they are spreading nothing but lies.  The people can trust no one but the president.  They cannot trust their own eyes and ears.

   4.   He would need to make sure the necessary departments would eliminate all regulations that have been ruling on clean air and water, and public lands that have been protected from drilling, mining, etc.

   5.   He would have to remove from service all of those who question his authority on matters of national security and halt any investigations by FBI and intelligence agencies of anyone who is resisting his authority.

   6.  He would have to keep a running onslaught of lies and misinformation to confuse the public as to what they can and cannot believe.
   7.   He would declare a removal of America from global participation regarding the Climate Change dangers and important memberships in such agencies as NATO.

   8.   He would need to meet with America's adversaries in secret sessions without witnesses who could report back to our news agencies the true nature of such meetings.

   9.   He would need to cut funding to programs that have benefited for decades in order to fund huge tax cuts that he promised his richest friends. 

  10.   He would need to feign a posture of being the victim when his opposition party tries to stop his corrupt assault on America.

   There are, of course, many other incidental actions that he would need to accomplish as the plan is unfolded. Many of these can be handled through dozens of false information in the form of tweets each day.

   Such is the plan book of an authoritarian and his coup d'etat on American democracy, values, normalcy, and civility.  Such is a fatally flawed human being; a one man, narcissistic, wrecking ball!

And if you were wondering if such a plan could work,
let me be the first to inform you:


All 10 steps... and more!


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