Hail! Render Unto Trump All That Is Trump's...

Corrupt:  Change from good to bad in morals, manners, or actions.  Also, Bribe: to degrade with unsound principles or moral values. To become morally debased.  To become tainted or rotten.

    We do not need to spend precious time looking for the exact moment when our president changed from good to bad.  We only need to talk to fellow real estate developers, contractors, employees, banks, and bankruptcy courts who crossed his path numerous times over the years...and were ALL cheated by "The Donald."

   His corrupt business and financial dealings were well documented in New York and around the world.

   So, how was he elected President of the United States, you deservedly ask?  The answer is awkwardly given:  (1): he ran as a Republican.  (2): all Republicans voted for him - even knowing what they knew of him...and (3): he had help from Russia, as verified by all of our national intelligence agencies.

   Hence, we must accept the fact that he came into the Oval Office with his corrupt mind fully engaged and "able to hit the ground running." 

   More than 350 learned psychologists and psychiatrists have signed a letter saying this about the man:  "Unfit to hold office," "Incapable of doing the work," "Refuses to learn what it takes to do the job," "A badly flawed human being," "A man with low or no morals,"  "A deeply Narcissistic man,"  "Most likely a racist and a White Supremacist,"  ...the list of corrupt mannerisms goes on and on.  They are insisting that the man needs medical attention, but to no avail.  His supporters in Congress will hear none of it. Likewise, his Republican supporters across the country refuse to accept one negative word against him.

   In modern times - and some say since the beginning - he is an unprecedented enigma to our national political scene.  

   If it were a case of his lack of ability to lead, it would be one thing, but his refusal to even try is frightening.  He pushes aside any advice and will stumble ahead, wildly, choosing a path that suits him personally, but to the detriment of all others - including the nation.

   Yet, he is being allowed to continue his hold on the presidency by the Republican Members of the United States Senate.  Some say out of fear, some say because of their desire to simply hold on to the Oval Office residency, and some even say they actually like the guy.

   My answer as to why they so strongly support him:  Because they share most - if not all - of the flawed character traits found in him!

   Comes the revolution!



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