Another trip down the "rabbit hole"

Americans struggle with reality as they
plunge deep into the "rabbit hole"
where up is down, right is wrong,  fact is fiction,
and democracy is becoming yesterday's dream.

    Once upon a time, the president ordered a soldier out of his job at the White House because he had the audacity to speak the truth against him.  The soldier was a career man in the U.S. Army, served in a hostile environment in Afghanistan and was decorated with a Purple Heart for wounds he had received.  He still carries shrapnel in his body from those wounds.  He was a White House staff employee who crossed the president by telling a U.S. House Committee the truth about what he knew about the Ukraine fiasco.  To add insult to injury, he was humiliated as he was escorted out of the White House like a common criminal.  He has a twin brother who is an attorney and was also working in the White House.  He was, however, not involved in his brother's situation, but was escorted out with his brother, just the same.

    If this story sounds like a sad fairy tale, it isn't.  It is as true as anything you will ever hear.  

    And it is also as sick as anything you will ever hear.

    The president was a draft dodger with many deferments from military service (based on a questionable bone spur on his heel)  because it is presumed he did not want to go to Viet Nam.  And yet, he decided to exact revenge on this White House military hero because he dared to tell the truth.  

    Sadly, there are thousands of stories involving dishonesty and pure hate that ooze from this resident of our Oval Office.

    This is but one more.



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