Out with the Old - In with the New

    The Republicans are coming!  
 The Republicans are coming!

    There is an invasion on everything we Montanans hold dear and they have taken their corrupt intentions straight from the playbook of the Trump Troglodytes.

    Our United States Senate seat, currently held by Steve Daines, is up for re-election this year.  This man is proving that Montana would be far better off even if we had no one in the seat at all.  He is so far removed from representing our great state that he has to ask for directions when he comes home.  His idea of finding what's on our minds is to invite a "carefully chosen handful of folks" to chat with him on a "town hall phone call."  And you won't find any Democrats there, either...they  are as scarce as hens' teeth.

    From the same swamp, Representative Greg "The Media Bodyslammer" Gianforte has two uneventful years in the U.S. House and now thinks he is ready to be our Governor.  Ha!  He has sold his soul to the corrupt and impeached President Trump and his only real claim to fame is his multi-million dollar bank account.  His 2018 election eve body slamming of a news report who asked him in Bozeman, "could you tell us about the GOP health care plan that would replace the ACA," was most telling.  He promptly slammed the poor reporter to the ground!

    Another lost soul slogging around in the Montana GOP swamp is Elsie Arntzen, head of our Office of Public Instruction.   She has been reading the Trumpster Plan Book for some time and, like her national counterpart, Betsy DeVos, hates anything related to Public Education.  They both hate public schools, but love our public's tax money and are constantly looking for ways to slide a big chunk of it over to their precious charter and private schools.

    These are but three big reasons why we Montana Voters  must take up our torches and pitchforks and  enter the fray.  Many more of these "Trump Thinkers" are planning on heading to our next Legislative Session and we need to read our ballots carefully and "cut them off at the pass."

    Accepting the fact that Montana has been a "Red State" for years, it is now time we revisit that mistake.  Our GOP brothers and sisters have become too big for their bloomers.

    Montana isn't going to be Trump Country anymore!



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