Sunday, February 9, 2020

Trump, Gianforte, and Garcia - Thugs All

Greg Gianforte, Republican Candidate for Governor of Montana
became the poster boy for Trump's menacing style
when he body-slammed a reporter for asking a simple question
about health care for Americans.

    Much has been said and written about the vulgar, tough-talking president.  His demeanor during his real estate business years is less known to Americans, but his corrupt style of dealings was of high visibility to most New Yorkers.

    If his crude mannerisms had not been so seriously contagious, we would have all learned to live with them.  Sadly, that is not the case. 

The President's "base" is a segment of our population who have been waiting for just such a "savior" to come along.  He is the "be all and end all" of who they have dreamed would come along.  He is hailed as the one who will promise them that "the KKK and the South shall rise again."

    Trump's totally unconventional and unacceptable style as President of the United States has enabled this "base" to come out from their hiding places, march into the bright light,  put on their hoods, and with everlasting triumph, claim their rightful place in America.  The President, in turn, feeds into their needs and will even strike the first match to burn the cross of celebration.

With proof of how far down the line this horrendous activity can reach, Montana's Rep. Rodney Garcia (R-Billings) can be considered one of the President's great achievements.  Garcia has announced that according to our Constitution (although he admits he doesn't know exactly where it can be found in the Constitution) it is legal to jail or shoot socialists!  The Montana House Speaker has asked him to resign and he flatly refused.  To date, that's where Garcia's remark stands.

    Up and down the line - from the President to the newest member of this violent "base" - it continues to be fueled by the "bully-in-chief."  His profane, off-colored, outlandish, and crude rants about anyone who disagrees with him has grated on the nerves of Americans for more than three years...with no sign of letting up.  As a matter of fact, it is seen by most as getting worse since his impeachment.

 His inner sanctum of followers
(such as Gianforte and Garcia)
 are becoming bolder and more dangerous.  

    That is just how the president likes it.

    And that is how his "base" really likes it!

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