Are we men or mice?

Too Uninformed To Vote?

"Understanding the basic processes and functions of government encourages more involvement in democratic processes. Unfortunately, this fairly simple understanding of government, or civic literacy, has also declined over the last two to three decades. The point is only 51% of Americans were able to name all three branches of government. Also, 52% of Americans can't name a Supreme Court Justice, and  Woodrow Wilson Foundation study found that the majority of Americans would fail a U.S. citizenship test." (National Civic League)

An uneducated and disengaged populace creates fertile ground for misinformation to take root. Further, the advent of social media in combination with the decline of local journalism has most certainly made it easier for disinformation to spread and 52% of Americans say they regularly encounter fake news online and when it aligns with their beliefs, they will accept it. Fifty-Six percent of Facebook users can't recognize fake news, social media statistics show (Statista)

The former president took the above information and built a house for fools, which led to his presidency in 2017. If he is allowed to do it again, our democracy will be no more. He has openly promised he will bring an aggressive authoritarian rule into power!  

These words are spelled out in nearly every speech he makes. He is promising the moon and stars to his "base" in order to keep them in line and his name in front of them.  

Are we up to the challenge? 




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