"Boss" Greg and his Supermajority. . .

"Boss" Tweed of Tammany Hall ran a corrupt organization in New York City in the 1800s and it played a major role in controlling politics and elections. A famous quote from Tweed was, "As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?"

Now, there is a new "Boss" Tweed who has set up shop in Montana and has been doing his best to accomplish the same corrupt goals. "Boss" Greg and his "mouthpiece" Austin worked hard at getting new bills approved with slimy ways of cutting certain Montanans from the voting rolls. This week, four of their bills were deemed unconstitutional by the State Supreme Court. 

The Montana Republican Party - an offshoot of the national MAGA Cult, let their dreams go to their heads when they wrangled a new business card that read: "Supermajority."

We'll have to take a close look at all of their new bills regarding voting rights. Republicans have already confessed that they will never win another election under current voting laws.  They had no choice but to write some new ones. They should have written a Party Platform - one that spells out their corrupt intentions.

We must make sure these corrupt politicians are not a part of our Legislature after November 2024.T

The Party officials spread out across Montana after the last election and was trying to sell the idea that our state has serious election fraud. . . even though they won nearly every race in the state!  That was, of course, a Trump stunt    - convince the voters that if they lose, it was because it was all rigged!

This is very serious stuff, folks!


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