The Disrespectful Cult . . .


Means Nothing To Miss Taylor-G.

Once upon a time, there was an American political party that called itself the "Grand Old Party." They believed in supporting the Justice Department's rule of law, the Constitution, our democracy, our right to vote, and various other rights enjoyed by American citizens.

But not anymore. 

The Republican Party is now the MAGA/Republican Party and they have a new set of rights that seem to lean so far to the "right" that they are unrecognizable. 

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United states or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but no less than $10,000 and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

If we are truly serious about retaking control and getting us back on course, there is no time like the present.

Harsh penalties are the only answer. America had a president who  created an insurrection, incited his supporters to "fight like hell to overturn his election loss" through false electoral ballots in various states, and has maintained he is the "rightful and current President of the United States. 

To date, he has amassed ninety-one indictments, nearly $500 Million in judge-ordered fines, and at least five more court cases yet to be heard.

And, to top it off, his political party has chosen him as their Republican/MAGA nominee to be President of the United States! 

When the phrase "he is getting away with murder" was first heard, you can bet someone was thinking of a man called "Trump."

When, in God's name, will this "wannabe autocrat" ever get his punishment?

Marjorie Taylor-Greene is pictured above as she screamed "Liar" at President Biden during his State of the Union Address. She is one of Trump's most radical supporters. and she and her fellow U.S. House MAGA Cult members have zero respect for the oath each one of them took when they were sworn in. 

Are Republican Voters ready to turn our great nation into this kind of disrespectful cult?


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