Once is too damn often!

Who is this guy, really?

He is a shell of a man who is stuffed with rotten potatoes. scrambled pig livers, and ground glass. He emits a putrid organic matter in a state of decomposition with each word be levels at his enemies.

In short, he cares not a whit what he says and what he does. He was placed on this earth to serve himself and no one else. He is above all official authority known to man and will bend to no one. 

And yet, his political party has chosen him as their presidential nominee. Their trust in him is eternal - and abundant.

As emperor, he is little concerned with how he is perceived by his followers and enemies. He is easily fooled by flattery and seeks constant validation from is advisors and subjects that he is, indeed, the real deal. 

He is made of money, power, and scraps of untruths. His mind is incapable of looking outward. If it does not please himself, it is not important enough to take his time. 

In later history books, his power over his supporters will be debated for decades. His kind only comes to us once. . . 

. . . and once is too damn often!



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