Did Trump's Plane Get the "Boot?"


Very few times is it necessary to put a restrainer boot on a commercial airliner tire, so few airports have them available. One particular plane, however, is popularizing their need. It belongs to - as far as we know - an owner named TRUMP, the name that is highly visible on the side of the plane.

It is reported that he has trouble paying his Gate Rental fees when he lands at airports. This blog could not verify that report, however.

The unofficial report specifically mentioned the Trump jet that wanted to land at the Bozeman, Montana area airport but they refused his landing privilege due to a sizeable overdue bill from previous landings.  He landed in Billings, instead, and had to caravan to Bozeman for his Rally. 

If you look closely at the above photo of his plane, we think you will notice what appears to be a "TIRE BOOT" on the main gear. We, again, can't verify this because the main gear tire is too far from the photographer. The boot may have been necessary because he may also owe Billings an overdue bill, as well!

And, according to some people's recent stories, it all could very well be true. We suggest readers look further for the facts/

I'm guessing it might be the first "Tire Boot" used on a Private Jet Airliner -  ever!

As for the Rally in Bozeman, a cranky time was had by all.

Sarcasm by
John Watson


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