Sunday, June 30, 2024

But. . .But. . . I don't even like Kool-Aid!

                   What is a Cult?

It is a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing, such as a cult of personality surrounding the leaders. It is a group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader who tightly controls its members by requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant.

Are the MAGA Believers a Cult?  Most people would say "Of course." They fit the Pattern to a "T."  The former president certainly has found the "misplaced or excessive admiration" of a large group of people. And, he does have a charismatic thing about him - and he definitely appointed himself as their leader. 

The most defining characteristic that makes him a cult leader is his requirement of an "unwavering devotion to him." 

That has been the hallmark of a cult leader. Jim Jones was able to ask them to drink the lemonade . .  and way too many of them did. David Koresh, as a delusional and stubborn cult leader, led 76 of his followers to their deaths. Another cult leader, Marshall Applegate of the Heaven's Gate Cult convinced many to commit suicide, telling them a comet was going to approach earth soon and after they died, the comet would take them on a ride to a better place. Most of them took the ride.

Cults are not a good thing and too many unhappy Americans are foolish enough to believe and go along with these "leaders of doom." 

It is my opinion that while I don't think Trump is that kind of Cult Leader, he is delusional enough to try something similar to get his name in the "Big Book of Bozos" - probably on the book's front cover!

I hope there are enough of us - still sane enough - to run him back into the swamp.  God knows, we've tried everything else to make him go away. Even the United States Supreme Court seems to be under his spell! Watch for their big ruling tomorrow on whether he has "total immunity" to order "SEAL Team Six" to kill his political opponents!

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