Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Montana School System Wrecking Ball...

There seems to still be a highly vocal gaggle of Tea Party folks in the halls of our Montana Legislature and they can still give the "Regular Republicans" a bucket load of fits.

Some of these Tea Baggers have wiggled their way into highly important committee chairperson positions.  For example, Rep. Sarah Laszloffy (R-Laurel) is the 23-year-old Chairwoman of the House Education Committee, with her own education coming from home schooling and private schools.  While Laszloffy gives lip service to public schools, it is very evident where her heart looks for taxpayer funding. Her father, Jeff Laszloffy, a former Republican Legislator, and the Montana Family Foundation is a nonprofit organization that promotes and has sought out legislation to protect "pro-family values."

Bozeman millionaire Greg Gianforte and his wife, Susan Gianforte, sits on the board of directors for the Montana Family Foundation.   Gianforte is a close friend of Sen. Steve Daines, in case you were wondering.

All in all, Conservative money and power are creeping into our school system like a mighty wrecking ball, and the aforementioned folks are the leaders of that demolition team. 

Funding for Montana's Educational System is a big deal every Legislative Session and this session is no exception.  While most Republicans would like to see our tax dollars spent on private schools, they are absolutely delirious about allowing the radical Tea Party folks to lead the charge.

If you think this is just another annoying move on the part of these folks, you better think again.  These annoying people control the Montana House and Senate...again.  They would be happy as little clams if they could get us to pay for their kids in their private schools, and our kids in what's left of our public education.

Wake up,'s our education system that is at stake.

And it's our children who are at stake, too! 

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