The Smell of Putrid Politics...

If those who went to the polls in November and voted for these "Radical Republicans" with the intention of making things better for Montanans...well, you have failed miserably in your venture.
The old phrase of "messing in their own nest" comes to mind, as well as "becoming too big for their britches."
When a gang of hoodlums such as these find they can't get things done to their liking, they run to a dimly-lit basement somewhere and secretly decide to change the rules of the Montana Legislature.  Rules, mind you, that have served us  well for years and years.
Few things bother me more than politicians who believe once elected, they suddenly assume the supreme power of the universe and all living things are incidental to their own personal agenda.
When did we allow such thuggery to pervade the halls of Montana's lawmakers? 
The election process of our Montana Legislators is not a "winner take all" scenario.  It is a case of differing ideologies that culminate - through debate - into one workable plan.  No one side assumes power by hook or by crook.
...or by childishly changing the rules!


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