One man's life vs. one man's legacy...

There really isn't much more to say about the fiasco that former Montana Governor and Attorney General Marc Racicot has kept under wraps in order to keep his "presumed legacy" unsoiled. 
He successfully prosecuted a life sentence for Barry Beach when he only had dim circumstantial evidence and a "forced confession."  And, Racicot has gone to great lengths to keep Beach in prison for life.   He has gone behind closed doors with the Montana Board of Pardons and Paroles, pleading for a "no vote" on Beach's release, in order to uphold his highly questionable handling of the murder case.
It is worth noting that Racicot's legacy has already been exposed as less than warm and fuzzy by most Montanans in the political sense. He used people to step on as he made his way to the "Washington D.C. movers and shakers."
It is truly time to let Barry Beach out of prison by whatever means...even if we have to satisfy Racicot's ego in the process!


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