Bozeman is a magnet for Right-Wingers

There's something strange in the drinking water in Bozeman, Montana.
That beautiful little town nestled in the splendor of everything that is "high, wide, and handsome" about our state is being taken over by out-of-state, right-wing, Tea Party-thinking politicians and power-hungry evil-doers.
U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-Bozeman, MT) is but one of the people we need to keep a close watch on as he votes in the U.S. Senate.  While in the U.S. House, he voted to shut down the government and that nitwit idea cost Montana millions!
Greg Gianforte, founder of RightNow Technologies, and a Bozeman multi-millionaire, is a close friend of Daines and shares the same radical views.  Gianforte's wife, Susan, is pushing hard for charter schools and more religious education through her association with an organization called Montana Family Foundation.  They spend heavily on Republican Right-Wing candidates who share their views.  A mini-version of the Koch Brothers, if you will.
Montana Legislator, Art Wittich (R-Bozeman) is another Montana calamity who has a bill he is trying to get passed that would give Montana Sheriff Departments domination over Federal authority when it comes to gun control issues. He represents one more Bozeman nut with a hatred for our government!  Their theory consists of a simple idea that if they can get issues shoved to a state level, these control freaks will find it much easier to manipulate them.

And, if those yahoos aren't enough, let's not forget Scott Sales (R-Bozeman), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who quickly tabled a motion concerning a Human Rights bill. The bill had strong opposition from people of religious faith.  Sales has already attracted hostility from level-headed, common sense Montanans!
Some people just have a hard time looking for something to do with all of their money.  They turn to the hobby of buying political seats for their friends and forcing their warped ideas on the masses, or just buying a political office for themselves.
They do not understand - or care - about the Montana way of life.
They are too busy living in their own mega-rich world where their only friends are like-minded troublemakers.


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