With the Arrogance of Attila the Hun...

Arrogance means "overly convinced of one's own superiority and importance.  Haughty, high-and-mighty, insolent, lordly, overbearing, prideful, supercilious, superior, or to lay claim to for oneself or as one's right."
Take your pick, Montana.
The Republican Party rushed into Helena -  and the Legislative Session -  with the charm, grace, and finesse of a bull in a china shop.  The GOP's first "reach" was to "over-reach."  In their dreams, they salivated for total conquest of the Minority Party, and it poured from their lips like slobber in a drooling frenzy.
But wait.  Montana Newspapers around the state began attacking the GOP's "Rule Changes" as arrogant and high-handed...too arrogant even for the GOP.
The prideful "over-reach" became an embarrassed "pull-back."
But, not to get giddy just yet, Montanans.  This little shenanigan was tried on day one of the Session.  They still have about three months to work on other "suspicious presentations."
It's like watching a three-ring circus and trying to spot the clown that no one should trust.
Oh, the humanity!   The humanity!


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