Monforton-Style Montana Laws...

We're not going to spend a lot of time on this, folks.

Our first recipient of The Montana Blogger's "Clown of the Week"  Award goes to Montana Representative Matthew Monforton (R) of Bozeman.

Attorney Monforton has filed a suit asking a federal judge to strike down as unconstitutional, Montana laws allowing any registered voter to participate in any party primary.

He states that "closed primaries are needed because people not in their (Republican) party have been voting in their primaries and influencing election outcomes for years."

As an example, Monforton further stated a recent House of Representatives vote brought some Republicans to support an amendment to House procedural rules that was brought to the floor by a (gasp) Democrat!

He further stated, "on Thursday, we found out on the House floor that 11 of the Republicans, so-called Republicans, can be counted on to vote against every major Republican bill that comes forward.  We really don't have a majority in the House!" (gasp, again)

He is opposed to Democrats voting in Republican Primaries and, evidently,  opposed to Democrats voting in the Montana House and Senate on Republican-initiated bills, as well. 

No...I offer no conclusion to this story.  I am confident that any Montanan with an ounce of common sense can see through this outrageous nonsense.

Monforton, resign and go home now.  Your "Senator Daines impersonation" is highly suspect!



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