Thursday, January 22, 2015

Some Guys Just Love Awards!

This week's "Clown of the Week" Award will probably come as no surprise to most of you, but I'm still a little peeved that State Rep. Matthew Monforton (R) Bozeman has seen fit to hog the award the first two weeks of the Montana Legislative Session.
The first week, he wanted to change legislative rules that have been around longer than dirt in order to give his Republican Party an even bigger edge in voting on bills.  If you'll remember, he also wanted to close Republican Primaries to only Republicans.
His mug is back in the news again this week to earn him another "Clown of the Week" Award, and it's for another equally dumb grab for the spotlight.  As Montana comes off a year of the fewest number of abortions in 39 years, Monforton has decided now is the time for him to tear into issues regarding something a man has no business tearing into:  A woman's decisions on how to manage her own body.
Most of the Republicans who think like Monforton when it comes to abortions are really just looking for the "Pro-Life" votes.  They don't really give a damn about the women and their rights.  The issue is what it is:  "Fire up the Right-Wing base!"

The missing ingredient in Monforton's issues is "why now?"  If he really wants to get his name in headlines, why not work on the serious problems that are at the heart of all Montanans, instead of looking for unethical shortcuts for his own political party. 
As we move into week three, will Monforton be looking at a third award?  Maybe the old "hat trick," the bowling game "turkey,"  the old "three time's a charm," or the old "three strikes and you're out?"
Maybe he'll find a reason to attack apple pie and mom.

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