Thursday, December 17, 2020

The "Charge of the Not-So-Bright Brigade"

 The Charge of the "Not So-Bright" Brigade" of the Montana GOP
is about to stampede our friendly little hamlet of Helena, Montana with no masks, no social distancing, no manners, and no brains.

At least the bullies warned us they were on their way.  That's what bullies do best - they always warn you they're walking into your space and yelling into your face.

They have let everyone know that they are the "king of the hill" now, and we best heed their 'new political order' that this is now their state and we are now their subjects.  Masks are for losers and sissies and social distancing is not the real cowboy way, pilgrim.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.  Unless those thousands and thousands of fraudulent votes that the current president talks about have showed up in Montana, I think we'll need to assume the bullies won. 

But right out of the chute, they proclaim an in-person legislature will be seated.  The GOP Members have graciously allowed, of course,  that anyone may participate remotely should they wish. (They are hoping, of course, the loud-mouthed Democrats will stay at home.) Democrats have asked for what they called minimum precautions like wearing face coverings, but nearly all Republicans are refusing to do so.

With more than 17,100,000 cases of covid-19 in America, more than 309,000 deaths, (for those of you who are mathematically illiterate, that's  a fatality rate of about 1 death in every 55 cases) and with the numbers crashing through the ceiling, if these numbers don't turn on their headlights, nothing we can do will light their bulbs.

We are fighting a political war and our enemy has nothing but an arsenal of asinine  remarks, lies, misguided statements, and more lies. 

They haven't even taken their seats yet and they are causing great consternation among Montanans, such as their complete disregard for common etiquette, legislative decorum, and disrespect for anyone but their own wants and demands.

These elephants are a selfish herd.
They, like their counterparts
in the national scene,
are only in it for themselves.
They consider we Montanans
observers who must
stand by and await orders.




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