A Nation In Peril...


Sedition:  Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.

Coup:  An overthrow, takeover, removal of an existing government from power.

America's time has come to begin cleaning its house.  This flawed man who has ravaged our nation, our constitution, our legislature, our courts, and our dignity is nearly out the door.  We now must look to the future, and there is much we must do to restore our government and the political landscape of our people.  No one has escaped the terror of the past four years.  

Steve Schmidt, Republican Analyst and co-founder of The Lincoln Project said, "America is one election away from losing our democracy."  He has further stated, "When you listen to the President, these are the musings of an imbecile, an idiot, and I don't use those words to name call.  I use them because they are the precise words of the English language to describe his behavior.  His comportment.  His actions.  We've never seen a level of incompetence,  level of ineptitude so staggering on a daily basis by anybody in the history of the country whose ever been charged with substantial responsibility."

Schmidt has even harsher words for the Republican Party.  He believes they have "exacted an outright coup on the American Government to further their own goals."

It is very hard to fathom the depths of madness the Republicans have sunk to in our nation.  It is entirely reasonable, by any measure, to call their actions a coup that has been perpetrated on our government, the presidency, our constitution, and our very soul.  

Many have also considered the possibility that Republicans are guilty of sedition by their very words and deeds.  In order to even visit the seriousness of such a heinous  action by them, is to recall there was a time in our nation's history when such a crime carried a death penalty.  

We can all agree, however, that we are teetering on the brink of a place where we don't want to be.  We are fighting with close friends and relatives about a huge fire that was built by the president, lit by the president, and continually stoked by the president. Worst of all, the president and his congressional enablers have done absolutely nothing to put it out or to caution the people of it horrendous damage.

While there is no judicial evidence of sedition yet, it is safe to say that it has reached the outer banks.  We are also seeing the obvious warning signs of a major coup by those who refuse to accept an election loss.  Their various threats are adding fuel to that damnable fire that they started and is still burning white hot!

Let's hope for cooler heads to prevail. . . both in leadership and with their supporters across the country!



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