Man's Inhumanity to Man. . .

Where Montana GOP
 Legislative Ideas Are Born

An exercise in futility would be like trying to find your way through the crowded and delusional mind of a Montana Republican Legislator. It is a desolate and forbidding wasteland of unimaginable selfishness and arrogant attitudes toward those who they claim to represent.

To anticipate the slightest empathy from any of them would be a bridge too far.  To ask for bilateral understanding would fly miles above their heads.  It is amazing to understand that their "man's inhumanity to man" even includes inhumanity to their fellow Republicans.

Perhaps the best illustration of the inner workings of these geniuses comes from Sen. Jason Ellsworth, a Republican from Hamilton.  "I would imagine that we are going to have members who get sick," Ellsworth said, adding "it's possible lawmakers will die from holding the session with in-person participation, but it's also possible we could die at home, too."

Well, I would agree, senator, especially since a refusal to even wear a mask is ingrained in the circuitry of your grey matter.  You can't let a few deaths get in the way of a good time with the State Senate and House Bullies.

So just what does make these elephants tick?  Are they juiced up on the "big win" on November 3rd?  Are they just flexing their political muscles to ward off any serious opposition? Are they gearing up to put our public lands on the auction block with minimum fighting?  Are they going to tear into such "socialist" programs as Medicaid Expansion again?  Are they going to demand drug tests for unemployment participants?  Are they going to attack our mail-in balloting program?  Are they going to curtail or actually cut off our Food Stamp Program?  Are they going to ignore any bills that may try to come from the opposition side?

Maybe they are going to hunt down and imprison all liberal, left-leaning, socialists who have become a fly in their ointment.  While they most likely will all benefit from most of those pesky socialist programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Affordable Care Act, and a million others, it is not something decent card-carrying Republicans will ever openly talk about. Socialism Bad.  Capitalism Good.  Corrupt Rich Better. 

We're in for a hell of a fight, Montana.



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