Thursday, December 31, 2020

Sedition is the Name - Treason is their Game

Sedition:  Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state.  It is a serious felony, punishable by fine and up to 20 years in prison and it refers to the act of inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying or overthrowing it.  Words that inspire a revolution that overthrows the government.  Insurrection, rebellion.  An activity or communication aimed at overthrowing governmental authority.  Sedition Act was passed in the United States as early as 17998 and as recent as World War I. The Brandenbuy vs. Ohio Supreme Court decision maintained that seditious speech is ONLY protected  by the First Amendment as long as it does not indicate an "imminent" threat.  


When does a threat become "imminent?" 

When Missouri Senator Josh Hawley (R) said he would object to the U. S. Senate's certification of the Electoral College's confirmation that Joe Biden would be America's next president, he willfully admitted his aim was to "overthrow governmental authority."  He intends to stand in the U.S. Senate and say, without evidence, that the 2020 Election was filled with fraud and should be investigated. That was, in my opinion, because he shows no evidence to detain the senate's certification of the Electoral College, an "imminent' threat.  

America is on the brink of allowing scurrilous Republicans who are opposed to the inauguration of President-Elect Joe Biden to do their best to decertify his election win.  They are defying the people's legal election that has been proven by all fifty states to be free from fraudulent ballot-casting.  There has been no courts in America that have found no unusual evidence of illegal voting.

We should be edging closer to bringing felons to justice as they incite and/or individually cause harm to our democracy and our nation's constitution.  Sedition is now active across our nation, it is serious, and it is being waged in plain sight!

We must stop it before it becomes a full-blown revolution against our rule of law!  

Why are we allowing this to happen?

It seems our legal system is either fatally damaged, or terribly biased in favor of those who are hell-bent on protecting the actions of those who are flirting with seditious acts against our government. 

There is an urgent need to beat back those who would do our nation harm.  And when one United States Senator from Missouri stands to object, causes great delays in the vote, and defies the wishes of American Voters, it has gone too far.  We are not forgetting the more than 125 known Republican U.S. House members who have also pledged to decertify the 2020 Election.  

This assault on our democracy has gone way too far! 

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