Just as we saw the GOP mega-rich and power crawl out of the swamp
and ravage our nation for the past four years
we now see a microcosm of that same GOP evil rise up in our beloved Montana

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of these Republicans?
Some of us do.

It was a fairly nice day for a November 3rd.  Just a normal stroll to the voting booth.  Nothing special about this election.  Everything was supposed to go the same as any other Montana Election.

And then, KAPOW!  Right in the kisser.  And a punch to the gut.  And a two-by-four clobber to the back of the head from somewhere behind us.  It was curtain time, folks.

We always knew we were a fairly red state, but we woke up this time to the news we were a flaming, red-hot, bright enough to light up the Western Hemisphere skies, Super Nova RED STATE!  There were zombie Democrats shuffling around in a trance.  What had happened?  This was the year Montana was going to go blue. Everyone was supposed to be sick of the president.

How did Trump carry Montana?   Are these people crazy?  The guy is a corrupt and bald-faced liar!  He's on his way to political oblivion and yet, they wanted to give him another four years to completely finish off our democracy.

Why did they elect a man with anger management issues?  Why did they elect a man who only came home to Montana when he wanted to give us the last best lies from his idol, the president?  Why did they re-elect a lady to the Office of Public Information who has zero qualifications to do the job?  And that guy who's going to the U.S. House...Where did they find him?

Why?  Why?  Why?

The answer is easy.  They were outraged at the shoddy way we have treated their president.  We saw him as a crook and we told him so.  We saw him as a pathological liar and we told him so.  We saw him as the most corrupt man to ever invade the Oval Office and we told him so.  They didn't take that very well.  They see him as all of those things, too, but they decided he was their crook, their liar, and their corrupt guy, and they didn't care one damn bit!

And thinking like that is a big deal with them.

So we level-headed Montanans have to suffer the slings and arrows of their "big guy's" defeat by getting the likes of Gianforte, Daines, Arntzen, and Rosendale dumped into our laps.  The Governor-Elect has anger management issues, the Senator has issues of arrogant superiority,  the Superintendent of Public Instruction has issues with our public school system, and the U.S. House Representative-Elect just has wishy-washy milk toast issues.

I would call that winning the "trifecta +1 of losers."

Plus, a stampeding herd of like-minded elephants filled up the State Legislature.  It's like a convergence of the "Perfect Storm of Evil" that we've always heard about but never expected to see in our lifetime.  The wicked clouds are gathering on the horizon and we can do little to stop it.  

If there is much left of the Last Best Place when they leave town, we can hope to reassemble it, but there is a sure bet we will have  scant few acres of public lands for Montanans and their descendants to enjoy after they're gone!  All of that beautiful land will be in the ownership of their rich friends.

That's why they spent mega-millions to buy those offices!




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