Same Trump Song, Second Verse; Can't Get Better, Will Get Worse

The Gianforte Reign has not even begun, and yet he and his herd are trumpeting like young bulls on a warm moonlit evening in the beer gardens of Bozeman.

There appears to be a contest to see who can find the most sacrosanct of Montana laws to overturn first.  There will also be no rules too consequential for ordinary citizens that can't be plowed under, as well. 

Montana is about to become a microcosm of what the greater elephant herd in Washington D.C. foisted upon all Americans.  When the herd's leader, Donald J. Trump, came in power, he loosed the hounds of hell onto all creation.  By his example, he showed every elephant in America that if you want power, you simply take it.  There will be no time to ask politely, no time to bother with the truth, and no time to look back.  Our democracy be damned!  You can have rule of law and rights for all, or you can have an authoritarian reign where all power is held by the leader and the political party -  in his absolute dominion. 

The Governor-Elect, the Junior U.S. Senator, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and various Chairs of the Montana Legislator are well versed in the workings of a corrupt political clique.  They have witnessed it first hand and they are chomping at the bits to tear things apart.

The first sign of dust on the horizon was from the stampeding elephants as they headed to Helena and the book of legislative rules. They were hell-bent on giving more power to their committee chairs, not just to get bills passed that are to their liking, but to control the opposition from even an opportunity to submit bills.  In other words, the elephant's assault on the Montana way of life has already begun before they even get sworn in.

To add insult to injury, the Gov.-Elect, the junior U.S. Senator, and the current Attorney General have all thrown in with the national bulls of the herd and want the results of the Biden win tossed out.  And they can say that with a very straight face.

Montanans, I know you voted them in, but I just don't believe they are really what you had in mind.  

It's going to be a re-run of the "Terrible Trump Years" right here at home.



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